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Agriculture Unit

Unnayan Prochesta implemented Technology extension program by agriculture unit under Fisheries and Livestock unit at Tala upazila in Satkhira district with the fund of Palli karma-sahayak Foundation (PKSF). The objectives of this program are to help and involve income generating activities of south-west sea-based ultra-poor family and remove poverty to increase their knowledge, skill development through using sustainable technologies. All victory technologies under agricultural sector implement as a demonstration plot in farmer’s level to increase their awareness and extension to increase interest for the highest use of these sustainable developed Technologies to improve their livelihood status. Farmer’s skill ness increased through training, field day and cross visit and supplied loan for extension of technology. These programs are implementing in the southwest sea-based people’s need and demand. That is, the prime objective of this program is to decrease the poverty by using and extending success technologies in field level.

Program: Core Program

Goal: To increase agricultural production in the country, to increase socio economic development of organized people and important for achievement of food security in country.


  •  To increase technical knowledge on animal new breed, agricultural machineries on the basis of different agricultural region and season and new technology of livestock sector
  • To increase awareness on plant diseases and control technic of insects.
  • To increase interest by the use of biotechnology side by side decrease the use of chemical fertilizer and pesticides at farmer level.
  • To select appropriate crops and crops breeds, nursing and management on the basis of different agricultural region and season and increase awareness of good animal breed, housing, feed management, breeding technic, and management.
  • To provide technical advice about agriculture, fisheries, and livestock-related problem.
  • To council the farmer’s questions regarding agriculture, fisheries and livestock related problems.

Donor: Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF)

Activities of program:

  • Technical support
  • Skill development Training
  • Field days
  • Agricultural counseling center
  •  IGA support (Grants)
  •  Increase credit adoptability
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